Thursday, June 23, 2011

"It's a Movement"

I recieved a note from one of my models today which gave me the chills. I asked her if she would not mind it being published to my blog, and she was more than happy to share this with the world. I won't explain what is written because I believe it is quite beautifully stated itself:

"I wanted to let you know how my story continued after your show's debut on campus.

First, my bracelet is still on my wrist. A few people asked me if it was some sort of green Kabbalah bracelet, but were starstruck when I explained to them it was for participation in a new movement to create personal dedication to loving the body God gave you, just as it is, right now.

Then a strange thing happened.

For seven years, I have been on-again off-again trying to lose weight. Being photographed by you was another moment to notice deeply how little my body felt in alignment with my spirit. But somehow, without my really trying or doing a thing, since your show, I have begun to shed body-baggage.

In yoga they say that emotional baggage carries weight on the body just as it does on the mind. But somehow after opening myself up to the public through your artwork, and then afterwards remembering the messages of mindful eating and listening to the inner voice of "I'm full" and not the emotional voice of "I'm eating my feelings," the kilos started dropping. Now a few weeks later, many friends have commented that I look healthier and literally, enlightened. For sure I have been spending more time with female friends and cooking healthy, rice-and-vegetable based meals. But it is without effort, it is simply eating what I need, and stopping when I am full.

Thank you for helping me to realize slowly, and with healthful habits, my seven year dream to have a body and soul that match."

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