Saturday, June 4, 2011


This was a moving shoot for me. A very close friend of mine, she volunteered to take part in my campaign. She opted to photograph the moles that freckle her back. A stylishly "conservative" dresser, she wears a "silver screen chic" look including oversized silk blouses and retro full bathing suits. This was the first shoot where my model had to be topless, and although we are friends, the feeling of discomfort for her was permeable. The room was silent as she stood, facing the wall, crossing her arms over her button down to cover her front half. The only noise was that of the camera's shutter. I got the shot, and she slipped back on her shirt. A few days later, we spoke about the photoshoot and she confided in me the hurdle she had to overcome to participate in my campaign by telling me a personal struggle from her childhood. I am very proud of her.

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