Saturday, June 4, 2011


I had asked this individual if he would be interested in participating in my campaign. I really yearned to "level the playing field" by incorporating both males and females in my campaign. He suggested that I photograph his calves. I was taken aback. What could be wrong with calves? "They're too small".

A natural comedian, my "body model" made the photoshoot hilarious. Again, my normal studio was occupied, so we moved to the television studio classroom--which I clean forgot has a huge observation window in it. Halfway through the shoot, my volunteer standing on a barrel-like prop in his boxers on relevé making jokes at nearly everything we did, and myself crouched below photographing his bare legs, I noticed a figure out the corner of my eye. I turned to see one of my former teachers desperately trying to piece together what was happening before his eyes.

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