Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Gallery

Curious attendees crowded the lobby of the Arazi-Ofer Building in the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzilya, Israel as the sun set last night. The 17 prints revealed featured a variety of body insecurities. What was most interesting for me to see were the reactions of the individuals featured in the photographs. A large portion were proud to point out which print featured their bodies--exposing what they once were ashamed of. This was a special moment for me because it perpetuated my strong belief in this campaign. When our insecurities can be acquired as a beautiful form rather than a fault, we can learn to accept and love ourselves and others. Another bonus to the evening was a screening of the documentary that a close friend of mine and I developed over the past few months that rippled inspiration through the venue. I am throuroughly impressed with the outcome of this event, and I hope that I can continue to inspire many.

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