Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Back To Basics.

I think that we have lost touch with our roots. We need to reconnect with our natural, unique selves. Listen, your innards are speaking to you. They tell you what your body needs and when it needs it. Most of us have lost the ability to hear this voice and instead drown ourselves in the sea of "expert" suggestions such as raw food consumption or daily elliptical binges. Although these methods may work for some, they certainly do not work for all. For instance, some beings are naturally lazy. Our bodies don't do well in high-stress situations. This may mean that this individual would do better with exercise such as yoga or tai chi. Some bodies crave red meat, while others crave more grains or vegetables. This being said, I don't suggest that you "listen to your inner being" and consume an entire box of Oreos because "that's what your body was craving". It's deeper than a surface craving, which is generally connected to emotion, or simply eating for fun. Once one has the ability to hear what they need, one will realize the innate ability our bodies have to balance, craving the foods that retain the certain vitamins or minerals one needs. It will tell you when you need to sleep and for how long, and even que you on when to engage in physical activity.

I bet there are a bunch of you reading this and thinking that I am a complete loon. But I promise you, if you take the chance to try it, you will believe it too. Listen to what your body wants, and you will have no problem keeping yourself healthy. I'm for sure not perfect, and am still practicing the art of listening to my inner self. Because of this, I have a few daily guidelines I follow that at least simplify the abundance of information we have been bombarded with, and are pretty uniform within most of the human-kinds' bodily health needs.

1. Sleep is your best friend! General rule is 8 hours + a night
2. Maintain good posture
3. Be active at least 30 minutes a day (stairs beat elevator. every. time.)
4. Eat things that have: ingredients you can pronounce or small ingredient list or (the best) no ingredient list
5. Surround yourself with positive energy. Being nice to others means they are nice in return and kindness brings smiles which ultimately creates endorphins.

Keep Loving the Pudge

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