Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Struggle.

I wanted to discuss something that is eating away at many of us, including me, on a daily basis. It is a topic that is rarely breeched and therefore has become a silent ego-deteriorator, living under the surface of our skin. Yesterday I tried on a couple of dresses. Being fairly tall and a medium/large build, I have battled with loving my body for quite a long time. It doesn't help that I live in a country where the average height for women is 5'4"...significantly shorter and consequentially smaller than me. As I struggled with the first dress shifting it over my bust and immediately wiggling my hips out of it, I felt my confidence whither. The remainder of the day was spent looking into every mirrored-surface inspecting my "chubby upper arms" and "bloated belly". I would be a liar if I tried to remove myself from the majority of young adults who scrutinize their body parts for not being "perfect". But as I have mentioned before, what is perfect? Why do we all constantly strive to reach this non-existent goal, ignoring most of life around us while we do so?

I woke up this morning with the remainders of self-hatred from the day before. However, instead of continuing the animosity, I reminded myself that scrutiny leads us nowhere. Although I know this affirmation to be true, I also am aware of how often I forget it. We are creatures of habit and therefore must be reminded and reminded until the desired result becomes fluidly integrated into our daily lives.

I have promised myself that, from now on, my body's perfection will no longer be the main topic of inner concern. There are much more important things in life.

1 comment:

  1. i hope the promise lasts. stuff like this is tough, ... . nicely written blog!
