Thursday, April 21, 2011

Eating Guidelines

I'm a strong believer in eating what you want when you want. Through all of the smog and clouds of diet information and trends, there have been valuable tidbits that suggest we should simply just enjoy our food. This idea is referenced in books such as French Women Don't Get Fat, and Women Food and God. Battling with diets and ways of thinking about food for years, I have recently adopted the idea of simple eating. Lamenting over calories gets you nowhere. If you listen close enough, your body tells you exactly what it wants. Believe it or not, there are times when I crave broccoli. Of course I must eat chocolate, but you'd be surprised how much less this desire occurs.

Geneen Roth's book Women Food and God suggests, in my opinion, one of the most practical guides to detoxifying the diet madness we have all become slaves to:

1.Eat when you're hungry
2.Eat sitting down in a calm environment
3.Eat without distractions. i.e. radio, tv, newspapers, books, magazines, anxiety-producing conversation, or music
4.Eat what your body wants
5.Eat until you are satisfied
6.Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others
7.Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.

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