Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A new way of thinking.

I would like to simplify the way we think about food, our bodies, and living.

In the year of 2011 we are over-informed about how we can best achieve healthy long lives by turning to novel medicines, diet techniques, and fad exercises. The obsession with what and how we eat has inflated to unhealthy proportions and has in fact counteracted what it was initially established to do. We all have an innate ability which enables us to crave the foods which we individually need, as well as letting us know how and when to exert energy--the essentials to health. These internal signals are unfortunately drowned out by the over saturation of mass produced information spoon fed to work for all.

It is imperative that we revert to a healthier way of thinking. By sifting through the "media clutter" we will be able to live happier, simpler lives. Who said that eating and taking care of our bodies has to be mundane?

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