Monday, April 25, 2011

Love what you got.

Throughout history, the idea of a "perfect body" has fluctuated as frequently as the technology for music develops. The body has developed from flat flappers in the 1920's to the hourglass 50's, and finally whittling away to the rail thin trend of today. Meaning a trendy 90-year old woman would essentially resemble a pile of exhausted body-goop by 2011. Why do we all insist in following the trends? Is it beautiful for us all to look alike? The concept of "Thinking thin" may be scattered all over the pages of the media, but this should not be a mental note to oneself to starve until one's curves erode away to nothing. I'm not suggesting that naturally thin girls shouldn't be themselves, however, I am suggesting that everyone embrace what their mama gave them. Maybe you were meant to have the healthy build of the 50's or the boyish figure of the 20's. Forget about "losing those last 5 pounds" or "going to the gym to bulk up". Go out for a walk and enjoy the fragrance of nature. Laugh with friends over a good cappuccino. And although the majority of the population today choose to listen to music through MP3 technology over retro mediums, there are still those few who choose to listen to CDs, which still work just as well. Take a moment to think about how it would be to go against the trend of MP3 and enjoy your old CD collection--rediscovering songs you used to love. Rediscover your body; the fact that our legs enable us to walk, our hands to hold things. Love your body shape the way it is, regardless if you're rail thin or voluptuous, muscular or a lanky build. I imagine if we all walked around looking the like identical prints of each other our lives would be quite boring.

1 comment:

  1. isn't uniformity beautiful?
